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Natural Awakenings Naples and Fort Myers

What Else is Possible?

I am writing this letter after returning from a spirited celebration for three dear friends that share the same birth date. Nestling into a woodland setting bathed in moonlight, our intimate tribe of 25 “possibilists” formed a circle, each holding a birthday candle, and shared our visions for the new year ahead.

Lately, the universe has guided me to gather with new and old circles of friends intent on birthing all the potentialities that we know deep inside are within our reach. It’s all part of the natural awakening taking place among growing circles of thoughtful people on our planet. We are individually evolving, collectively opening our hearts and minds and asking, “What else is possible?”

Everywhere we look, we see increasing evidence telling us what isn’t working; major societal systems are collapsing all around us. Maybe that’s what we needed to happen in order to wake us up enough to create new models that work for everyone. The good news is that avenues for new and creative ways of being are already in place—we just need to get everyone on board and implement them!

At Natural Awakenings, we’ve been writing about alternatives that work since the magazine’s inception, 19 years ago (yes, it’s our birthday too, this month). We’ve shared a wealth of the resources, tools and inspiration you need to help co-create the kind of world you envision. We have highlighted healthcare modalities that address the whole person, holistic education models, eat local movements that embrace organic foods, community monetary solutions, energy alternatives that preserve Earth’s resources and of course, we focus a lot on connecting and loving each other (and ourselves).

Through it all, I’ve become more of a possibilist rather than the optimist (and sometimes pessimist) I used to be. I embraced the term when I discovered it means someone that recognizes all possibilities exist, although they may not yet have manifested in this time and space. A possibilist believes that such opportunities can be accessed and brought to life, and we can be the conduit via which this process happens. Anything’s possible if you believe it to be so.

Here are a few more of the companion characteristics I have tried to adopt: Using a positive and uplifting vocabulary at all times; seeing light in the darkness and focusing on hope to encourage and uplift others; thinking only good thoughts of others; and surrounding oneself with like-minded people.

I invite you to become a possibilist today. As you continue to fine-tune your intentions for the coming year, let’s embrace the great unseen magic and power of the universe of possibilities together and make it ours. Dream a big dream. Believe in it… and don’t look back.

Wishing you every magnificent possibility!




Sharon Bruckman, Publisher