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Natural Awakenings Naples and Fort Myers

Who are Natural Awakenings readers?


We’re shining the light on Natural Awakenings readers with our new mini-snapshots of local individuals that are cultivating a healthy lifestyle and making a difference in our community.

Meet Natalia Vandermolen

Career/life’s work and mission: Realtor for Coldwell Banker, art director, ayurvedic lifestyle consultant, yoga/Pilates instructor.

“My life’s passion is to help people understand their body and to achieve radiant health by practicing yoga, which helps me to remain focused, balanced and positive in all areas of my life.”

Proudest Achievements: Mastered three foreign languages: Russian, English and German. Moved to America from Siberia with two small children (daughter age 5 and son age 11). Mastered real estate. Grandmother of three.

Future Expectations: A successful career in real estate. Continuing to master the philosophy of yoga. A happy family, harmonious relationships, personal growth and giving back to the community.

Meet-up Groups: Girlfriends group, Black and White Tie groups, art events, wine tasting, skiing and sports, Facebook, LinkedIn.

Favorite things about Southwest Florida: Beaches, dining, water taxi, zoo, shopping, outdoor activities, social groups, art shows and movie festivals.

Most frequented healthy food restaurants: Food & Thought, Whole Foods Market, EJ’s Bayfront Café.

Favorite quotes: “Yoga helps you rise to the challenge of living. Do things you like and do them often.”

What are you doing to be the change you want to see in the world? “Helping to keep the beaches clean in my community, teaching people to go green with non-toxic products, and giving free yoga classes at the beach to help people connect with nature and learn how to interact with it.”