CasaShanti Adds Thai Yoga Massage, Expands Acupuncture

The CasaShanti emporium, in Fort Myers, has added Thai yoga massage ($90 for one hour and $45 for 30 minutes) on Saturdays to its array of services and expanded the hours of their Community Acupuncture Clinic ($30 for half-hour sessions) to encompass 6 to 7 p.m. each Monday. “People who have attended the clinic are saying, ‘It’s the new Monday thing to do!” says owner Zachari VanDyne.
Both massage and acupuncture can provide relief from stress, anxiety and the emotional, mental and physical symptoms that can arise from energies that have become out of balance, along with helping to achieve wellness goals. “It’s important to remember that self-care is as necessary as taking care of the other people in our lives,” notes VanDyne.
Location: 2052 Cottage St. For more information or appointments for Thai yoga massage (required), call 239-208-9872, email [email protected] or visit See ad on page 36.