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Natural Awakenings Naples and Fort Myers

D’Orsi Offers Healing Science Services in Naples

Kathleen D'Orsi

Kathleen D’Orsi, LCSW, BHSP and a licensed clinical social worker in Naples who graduated from the four-year Barbara Brennan School of Healing in June, plans to emphasize assisting more clients in pre- and post-operation stages, in addition to all others in her practice interested in healing science sessions that encompass several modalities steeped in anatomy and physiology.

The sessions, lasting between 90 to 120 minutes and covered by some insurance plans, promote wellness and health as they are maintained through an optimal flow and balance of the human energy field to help clients access their innate and natural ability to heal.

D’Orsi says, “We are made of energy, and moving that energy and removing blocks that are limiting your full expression and enjoyment of life is what heals.” Working with her can help foster faster recovery from surgery and trauma, greater relaxation, decreases in pain, stress, anxiety and depression, increases in creative expression and developing a heightened sense of well-being and joy.

Cost for healing sessions is $125. For more information, call 732-672-5069 or visit