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Natural Awakenings Naples and Fort Myers

Trim & Tone Med Spa February Trifecta

Constantly searching online and at industry trade shows for the latest trends and technologies in skin tightening, toning, cellulite reduction and skin care, Shelle Misiorowski, owner and operator of Trim & Tone Med Spa, in Naples, has dedicated her career to helping individuals achieve their best appearance without the use of surgical intervention. 

“I regularly attend trade shows to find new equipment and technologies, which is why the spa is always ahead of the curve with the most cutting-edge technologies that make a visible difference. I’ve gone through rigorous training in every service, product and piece of equipment we have so that we can deliver the best and safest results to clients. We’re so proud of our client referrals and testimonials, which are our best advertisement,” enthuses Misiorowski, who notes the spa’s February trifecta of non-invasive slimming technologies include Cryoskin, Endosphères therapy and HIEFM Slim Neo.


This device is used to reduce inches and smooth skin. Individuals can see results after one session, but best results are seen after about five sessions. 


Removing cellulite or slowing down the aging process is what CryoToning and CryoSlimming are best known for. A CryoToning 20-minute cold therapy session improves microcirculation and speeds up metabolism, resulting in higher collagen production. It’s great for facials and cellulite. 


This 28-minute session is the first of its kind in the U.S. CryoSlimming consists of a three-phase thermal shock that helps naturally destroy fat cells. This is a solution for losing fat on the stomach, thighs, arms or back.


This treatment generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations that result in body contouring, cellulite reduction, muscle toning, lymphatic drainage, pain relief, and improved circulation.

HIFEM Slim Neo

High-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) Slim Neo is a 30-minute body shaping procedure that uses radio frequency heating for fat reduction, muscle strengthening and toning. While it sounds too good to be true, HIFEM is a reality that on average increases muscle volume by 25percent.

Trim & Tone Med Spa is located at 3020 Livingston Rd., Ste. 16, in Naples. For more information, call 239-596-5522 or visit