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Natural Awakenings Naples and Fort Myers

Action Alert! Support Captains for Clean Water in Everglades Restoration Project

Help support the efforts of Captains for Clean Water (CCW) in urging Big Sugar to drop their lawsuit against the federal government over the use of a critical Everglades Restoration project by watching a new short film on the important subject and signing a petition.

The EAA reservoir would help maintain Lake Okeechobee at healthier levels; restore the ecology of the Everglades; balance salinities in Florida Bay; recharge the aquifer that provides drinking water for millions of Floridians; and mitigate the harmful lake discharges that devastate Florida’s economy and coastal ecosystems. If Big Sugar is successful in the lawsuit, they could push to use the EAA Reservoir as their personal taxpayer-funded water supply, upending years of restoration progress and increasing the chances of even more damaging coastal discharges, toxic algal blooms and economic and environmental peril in our area.

More than 11,000 petition signatures were attained early last month from many industries and sectors, including outdoor brands, tourism-driven businesses, environmental organizations, celebrity anglers, social media influencers and others. CCW is committed to keeping the momentum going in this movement by digging down to the bottom of Big Sugar’s lawsuit and informing the public through experts that appear in the film.

View the full film and sign the petition at For more information, email [email protected].