Leaning Into R.A.I.N
R.A.I.N is an acronym for a form of meditation that has been championed by meditation teacher, Tara Brach.
Leaning Into R.A.I.N – Wednesdays, Feb 1-22. 6-7:30pm. R.A.I.N is an acronym for a form of meditation that has been championed by meditation teacher, Tara Brach. The acronym stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture. These steps, when used in meditation, support one's inquiry into the thoughts and feelings that cause dis-ease in one’s body, mind and heart. $80/nonmember, $60/member. Lotus Blossom Clinic, 6710 Winkler Rd, Fort Myers. Register: CaloosahatcheeMindfulness.org.
Date & Time
Weekly on Wednesday
Feb 01, 2023 through Feb 22, 2023
6:00PM - 7:30PM