The Scoop on Intestinal Microbiome
Mar 30, 2021 11:28AM ● By C. Robin Filkill-BerryAccording to the publication Environmental Microbiology, intestinal microbiology has undergone a renaissance since 2000, due to recognition that the gut microbiome plays a central role in the health. While microbiome has become a new buzz word, particularly regarding the distal gut, researchers have not determined what the genetic makeup of the microbes, composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses mean, relevant to the body’s overall chemistry.
While there is still much about the internal and external microbiome that remains to be understood, it is known that these microbial communities likely play a critical role in the healthy human immune system and metabolism, because from a systems perspective, everything matters. We are what we eat and breathe.
We have healthy and unhealthy microbiome, making it important to keep it all in balance, just as an avid aquarist keeps their fish tank balanced to avoid an overgrowth of algae. To maintain a healthy balance, it’s essential to breathe fresh clean air, especially mindful meditation breaths and eat non-GMO and organic when possible. GMO products are not natural for the body’s ecosystem. Additionally, it’s wise to observe the rules of food combination for complete and efficient digestion. For example, avoid eating protein with starches and carbohydrates; don’t eat fruit with nuts or cheese with beans. Foods that don’t digest well together can cause indigestion, fermentation, gas, bloating and the creation of toxins.
In the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a specific lung time from 3 to a.m. and a large intestine time from 5 to 7 a.m. Both represent the element of air, and each plays a major role in the other because air passes through both. Meditative breathing exercises super-oxygenate the entire body and promote healthy tissue growth. Without this, the mouth can develop yeast and fungus overgrowth that can imbalance the entire gut.
While there are numerous considerations to maintaining a balance of the microbiome, a well- rounded daily routine should include these suggestions.
• Drink an amount of clean water that equals half the body weight. For example, if the body weighs 140 pounds, drink 70 ounces of clean water.
• Engage in meditative and purposeful breathing exercises.
• Eat live, non-GMO foods, grown organically when possible. Eat the seven different vegetables and five different fruits that are listed as good for personal blood types (O, A, B and AB). Reference for food combining suggestions. Rotate foods to avoid creating an imbalance or sensitivity.
• Take time out for 15 minutes of raw sunshine without sunscreen.
• Consume food enzymes and probiotics, especially when the systems have been compromised with prescriptive medications, surgery, or over-consumption of sugar, carbohydrates, dairy, meats and in general, unhealthy lifestyle practices.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Practice annual and quarterly cleansing for all elimination organs—colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin.
Robyn Fiskill-Berry is the owner of R B Institute, located at 13550 Reflections Pkwy., Ste. 5-502 and 5-503 (behind Jason’s Deli), in Fort Myers. The Florida state licensed massage therapist has 25 years of experience as a colonic irrigation therapist. for an appointment, text 239-939-4646. For more information, visit
RB Institute, Inc. - 13550 Reflections Pkwy, 5502 5503, Fort Myers, FL
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