Reader Spotlight: Candace Tranter

Work: Owner of Supreme Health and Wellness.
Proudest achievement: My absolute highlight has been creating tools that genuinely change lives. Helping people overcome emotional and physical pain or trauma is something that fills me with immense pride.
Expectations for the future: My hope for the future is rooted in mental health facilities that are affordable and relatable. For spaces that not only prioritize mental well-being, but also nurture the body and spirit, from embracing holistic nutrition to providing personalized coaching and diverse healing techniques. These centers will be a hub of comprehensive well-being where everyone feels a sense of belonging and finds the support they need to truly flourish.
Favorite local or global causes supported: World Vision, Ends of the Earth adventures.
Favorite thing about Natural Awakenings: What I love about Natural Awakenings is how it's all about learning and finding alternative paths to thrive. It's like a treasure trove of knowledge that keeps on giving.
Most frequented healthy food restaurant: Organically Twisted, Naples; Loving Hut, Cape Corall and Masala Mantra, Cape Coral.
How you support your community: I'm all about giving back to my community. I organize classes and workshops that help people push through tough times, especially when we're all dealing with the aftermath of a storm or shared trauma. I also host a free virtual Ultimate Breathing Experience once a month.
Favorite inspirational quote: “Love her, but leave her wild.” ~ Atticus Poetry
What you are doing to be the change you want to see in the world: Being the change means simply showing up and being that ray of hope for others who are struggling to find peace. It's about being there no matter what, because we all need a helping hand sometimes.
What you are passionate about that brings you joy: I'm passionate about being on or near the water, connecting with Mother Earth on my paddleboard. Additionally, I'm passionate about helping people thrive against all odds and bringing love and peace to the world.
Who your mentor is: Currently, my mentor is Tyler Watson. I'm enhancing my skills by pursuing certification as an elite performance coach specializing in the Cellular Alignment Technique.
What you would like to see in the community: More affordable workshops and retreats that provide the necessary tools for peace and growth.