Authentically Connecting within mind, body and soul
Mar 31, 2024 06:30AM ● By Linda SechristSometimes as we go through life, we may decide to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and transformation. This can be a solitary exploration spanning years, with the aid of books, journaling or long walks in nature. Suzy Parker, a certified holistic-life and spiritual coach, offers a less lonely approach. The owner of Authentically Connecting helps clients find inner strength, resilience and wisdom, while empowering them to live an inspired life of their soul’s design.
“In 2019, I had a life-changing reading with a renowned, international medium, and in the first message that I received, it confirmed my intuitively guided knowing that my true soul’s purpose and mission, which I chose to accept, is to serve those who are ready to begin or continue on their own unique transformative journey,” she explains.
Originally from Scotland, Parker’s own spiritual journey blossomed in parallel with a successful corporate career spanning 25 years of living, working and volunteering in the United Kingdom, South America, Europe and North America. “What I learned through my experience is that awareness is key to the journey within oneself,” she asserts. “The key to deeper awareness is acceptance, and in awareness and acceptance, authenticity is achieved.”
Parker defines awareness as “a deep, inner knowing that there is more to life than we experience externally. This leads to a journey of self-discovery by digging deep, reflecting on life and choosing to transform from the inside out, while becoming who you truly are. It is the key to the journey within oneself, and acceptance of this is where authenticity is achieved.”
Parker relies on her own journey to help others overcome past traumas and limiting experiences. “I learned the long and hard way that it is important to heal old emotional wounds, but reflecting on the past without seeking a new understanding did not help me move forward,” she explains. “Finding a new way to view these experiences was the first step toward emotional clarity and connection for me. It also took courage to live a life true to myself, embracing who I truly am and doing the work to become the best possible and authentically connected me. The ‘why’ of doing anything is much more important than the ‘what’, and there is often a very subtle distinction.”
In 1990, Parker began practicing transcendental meditation, which led her to understand that inner peace only comes when there is a balance between mind, body and soul. “I also began exploring and studying spiritual-based philosophies, techniques and practices. Over the decades since, I have learned through major life changes and milestones that the journey is the destination, every ending is the phase of the journey leading to a new beginning, and transformation is the vehicle creating the bridge to a lighter, brighter, truer essence of self.”
With self-discovery comes a richer life. “I now make more heart-centered, evolved and empowered choices for living an extraordinary life in an ordinary way,” Parker notes. “I feel every experience. Every moment is magical, and as I learned many years ago in Susan Jeffers’ inspiring book End the Struggle and Dance With Life: How to Build Yourself Up When the World Gets You Down, everything is happening perfectly, always.”
According to Parker, “Personal transformation is within us all and fear is often what holds us back. Sometimes it takes a life-shattering experience to rise above and move forward, rather than staying stuck. After years with many of us feeling disconnected, I feel we are all ready to authentically connect within mind, body and soul. When we direct our energy outward and connect our energy within, we organically transform from the inside out.”
Parker invites her clients to “leave your past, love your present and look forward to the future,” noting, “You can’t change where you come from, however you can choose where you go from here. In this world, we are now in a space of new energy where ‘Heaven on Earth’ is a peaceful mind, a pure heart and a high vibe.”
Transformation is different for each of us. “Everyone has questions. Everyone has a story, and each holistic journey and spiritual awakening is unique, ever-changing and ongoing,” Parker points out. “With the right tools, we all have the ability to choose, create and joyously live our reality and experiences, and I am here with voice, heart and soul to help my clients achieve this.”
For more information or to schedule a complimentary initial consultation, call 713-826-5155, email [email protected] or visit