Therapy Spotlight: Licensed Colonic Irrigation Therapy
Apr 30, 2024 06:30AM ● By C. Robyn Filkill-BerryThere are five elimination systems in the body: the colon (large intestine), liver (hepatic), kidneys (urinary), lungs (respiratory) and skin (integumentary). The colon, the most important elimination channel in the body, is the final stage of digestion.
Each person has different body chemistry, however, as a dietary suggestion, it is wise to follow Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, who has spent his life helping people with chemical imbalances through proper dietary changes that support ancestry and bloodline. Additionally, Fit for Life by Marilyn Diamond teaches proper food combining that assists in better absorption and transit time of the bowel.
A colon irrigation, or colonic, assists the body in evacuating toxins from the colon using only filtered, purified water as designated by the Board of Health. Florida is the only state with this specialty license under the Board of Health through the Board of Massage.
Licensed colonic irrigation therapists must practice in a massage establishment that displays MM#00000 on a website, advertisement, brochure and business cards with the address of the establishment. Additionally, therapists must post on office walls the colon therapist and massage therapist license in the State of Florida MA#0000000, along with the appropriate occupational licenses with business names and licenses, according to county and city statues. They must also be able to present liability insurance.
When making an appointment, be well hydrated and mineralized. This isn’t a requirement, but helps the treatment go more smoothly. Most colonics fees are $80 to $250 per session, depending on the area and establishment.
A licensed colonic irrigation therapist is taught to use approximately 15 to 20 gallons of water during the session, and usually not exceed more than 60 minutes of treatment. Water temperature should be between 80 and 102 degrees.
In Florida, the statue defining colon irrigation instructs the Florida-licensed colonic irrigation therapist to work directly on the abdominal cavity during sessions. Therapists must include a patient history form for individuals to complete. The completed form should be reviewed to ensure no contraindications prior to administering sessions.
Patients should eliminate the bladder and bowels prior to the session. A robe, hospital gown or drape should be provided to ensure privacy. Usually, during the first visit, the therapist recommends an occasional visit or the need for several sessions, based on the evaluation of the first session. Some clinics offer a one-time session fee or prepaid packages that can be used within a specified period.
Questions and answers can usually come up during a session. These can be educational and helpful in understanding where imbalances came from and how to research ways to shift to more conscious dietary choices for health and wellness.
While there are two types of colonics, the gravity enclosed system and the pressurized enclosed system, the therapist chooses which to use.
The Pressurized Enclosed System
A lubricated, pediatric or adult, plastic tapered tube is inserted into the rectum while the patient lies on their left side. Small amounts of water are directed through the fill line using up to two pounds of pressure. The amount of water entering the body is not measured. The therapist shuts down the water and opens the release valve to safely evacuate the wastewater through a waste tube, which empties into the utility line. After a few fills and releases, the patient turns face-up, continuing the session. The therapist gently massages the abdominal cavity to assist in the release of mucus, stool and gas during further fills and releases. This takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes, and the amount of water is not measurable.
The Gravity Enclosed System
A lubricated, pediatric or adult, tapered, sterilized stainless-steel scope is inserted into the rectum while the patient lies on their left side. Small amounts of water are directed through the fill line attached to the scope, much like gentle waves going on the seashore, and simultaneously the wastewater is evacuated through a separate waste tube, which empties into the utility line.
The process usually uses 15 to 20 gallons of water, and lasts between 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the person and situation, as children may use only 10 gallons and less time. After a few fills and releases, the patient turns face-up to continue the session and the therapist gently massages the abdominal cavity, assisting in the release of mucus, stool and gas during further fills and releases.
The main objective of both systems is the same, assisting the patient to accomplish better tissue cleansing through bowel support and management by education and a therapeutic service. Colon irrigation is a complementary modality for achieving better bowel support and management.
Before making an appointment, determine: What system is advertised; is the therapist’s license displayed on the website and printed media, and do the addresses match; is a patient history form and identification required; is education provided about their service; and is there a list of specific prices on their website and printed media with license numbers?
C. Robyn Filkill-Berry is the owner of RB Institute, Inc., located at 12651 McGregor Blvd., Ste. 5-502, in Ft. Myers. Trained and licensed in Florida as a gravity-enclosed-system colonic-irrigation therapist, she holds a double certification in both the gravity and pressurized enclosed systems and has studied parasitology. She has been serving the community for more than 35 years.
RB Institute, Inc. - 12651 McGregor Boulevard, Suite 500502, Fort Myers, FL
Colon therapist since 1994. Enclosed gravity method, uv/ozone purified water, superior to others. Massage, Reflex-ology, Upledger CranioSacral/SER & Lymph Drainage, Visceral Manipulat... Read More »